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This has been the longest week of my life, not in the sense that it has been stressful or bad but that each day, I’ve learned so much about myself and the people around me. I’ve just had so much growth in such a short time. It’s crazy to me that it’s only been a week! It feels like I’ve known these people for years.

Where do I even start? I received a gift of the spirit, I got baptized, I shaved my head for God, I’ve made lifelong friends, and most importantly, I have a real relationship with the Lord now. It’s been a little over a week and all these wild things have happened to me already. God is so good!
The Lord has been working in me and moving through so many people here; it’s so encouraging to meet all these amazing people and hear their testimonies. I’ve wept, and I’ve been brought to uncontrollable laughter from the Holy Spirit. I’ve seen miraculous healing, heard people speak in tongues, and be prophesied over. I’ve prayed over people and been given the words directly from the Spirit and seen how my words have deeply affected those that I prayed over. All in one week!

The Lord is moving in my generation and He is still working, still healing, still bestowing gifts through the Spirit. He is real and He is here! The Lord has totally renewed me; I am an entirely different person mentally, physically, and spiritually. I pray differently, I worship differently, I talk differently, I act differently.

This is only the first week, and I cannot wait to see how much the Lord will change me and those around me in nine months! He has big plans for all of us here at the World Race and I’m so eager to get out on the field and share the joy and hope that I have with everyone I meet so they too can be saved.

Thank you to everyone who has made this possible; I would not have encountered Jesus in this way if it weren’t for your prayers, donations, and support.
We are God’s soldiers and we are being prepared to fight this battle on the front lines. The enemy is terrified of what is happening here.