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That time has finally arrived! After months of anticipation and preparation, the launch date is only two days away! It feels like it snuck up on me.

As of right now, I am in Denver; so I have said goodbye to my parents and my friends back in Idaho and I am staying in many places this week before I leave for Georgia on Saturday. Last night I stayed with my oldest brother Caleb, tonight and tomorrow night I’m staying with my uncle and two cousins, and on Friday night I’m staying with my other brother Daniel and his wife Lauren.

These last few weeks and especially the last few days have felt very hectic and chaotic; checking off the last few parts of my lists, figuring out where I’m staying, and buying last minute Amazon orders. My mom was a huge part in preparing me physically for the trip. She made sure all my passports, vaccines, ID cards, and personal finances for the trip were in order. She also did a lot of research on some of the items I’ll need on the trip while I was at work all day. So a huge shoutout to my mom for making this trip possible because without her I would be extremely unprepared for it! Physically I am ready, aside from a few small things, but mentally I’m not sure its fully sinking in what I’m actually about to embark on. One thing I can say is that I am very excited and very grateful.

I am grateful especially for my support system. One thing this trip has already shown me is that I have so many people who care about me from so many places. From my mom working so hard to make sure I have everything I will need over the next nine months, to my family members letting me stay with them super last minute; I am very grateful to have such a loving family to allow me to do something like this. Obviously it’s difficult to say goodbye especially when it’s for so long-and I think those feelings will fluctuate over the coming months.  However, I feel that God has so many things in store for me over the next year that are going to shape me into the person I’m supposed to be, and allow me to be the best version of myself.

I can’t wait to start this journey…